Monday, August 12, 2013

Believe in yourself and walk that path

“Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard, and there is nothing you cannot accomplish.”
Brad Henry

Pertaining to just about everything one can do in life, if one has a strong belief in themselves and what they do, the thing that is placed as goal to achieve will come a lot smoother and quicker. For me as far as my fitness is concerned I’ve been going to gyms for years on end and I can remember the first time I decided to take my physical fitness seriously and what that felt like. It’s like I had a realization and then I literally saw what I wanted my physical self to be before I even picked up a weight or jumped on a trend mill. But with that before I was able to be a tad bit successful I had to walk the path that was needed to get to the destination that I was trying to get to. I had to change what I ate and I had to make sure I worked out at least 3 to 5 times a week on a daily bases no matter what. There were times when I didn’t want to work out because at times I was in school and I worked; just plain busy so I just plan didn’t feel like doing anything. And there were times where I just wanted to sit there and be greedy and lazy and do things like eat a whole blueberry pie (something that I have done many times in the pass) but I didn’t do it because I knew that it wasn’t the way and it wasn’t the path I was to take. Not doing what is needed and pretending to want to change in a physical manner is like me wanted to go to New York but traveling south to do so when I live In PA. Doesn’t matter what I say I want if I am not walking that path to get to that destination then really how bad do I want it? One needs to develop the want to change no matter how difficult it may be. I don’t believe people should do anything that they don’t want to in life, I mean life is too short to spend one moment doing things that you don’t want to do and I probably am the most liberally personal trainer anyone will ever meet. I condone smoking, drinking, and eating junk food. I condone people doing anything that bring them joy but my big thing is balance with that stuff; but even so if you don’t want to balance and you truly are enjoying what you are doing and everything that comes with it then I say go for it and when I say this it’s like if you aren’t working out and enjoy being 400 pounds as well as being able to sit around, that is what I meant when I say if you enjoy everything that comes with what you are doing. If someone absolutely hates working out and they hate eating what I or anyone with any bit of knowledge on healthy foods consider healthy I am not going to try and convince them that they are wrong in their feelings. I am not here to convert anyone and even if a person eats fried beef sticks dipped in butter every day and they die of a heart attack, if that person enjoyed their life because of that fired butter beef then it was a life worth living point blank. But even so, personal I feel that we were meant to be healthy and healthy is fun and enjoyable. I feel that when we challenge ourselves and we do things that we may not want or feel like at a time, if we take a look at the bigger picture the want will develop and even though what we are doing may not feel good at the moment the moments after which are a lot longer than the moment we would need to spend outside of our comfort zones will feel much better all around. But saying this for whatever one wants they have to travel that path to get to that wanted destination; it would be silly for me to want to go to New York and refuse to travel north. It would be plain stupid of me to want Chinese food but bent on going to an Indian restaurant. So if one really does want a better and healthier quality of life then they should want to eat healthy and they should want to work out in a challenging and rigorous manner point blank.

Belief is also as important as anything else. You have to believe in yourself and what you can do, you have to believe in what you’re doing and you have to believe that it will work. You have to believe that it is working as you do it and that is the point blank truth. As I stated earlier I have been working out in gyms for years and I remember me working out with the image in my head of what I wanted to physically be and with that achieving it. Then I would see people who worked out as much as I did and had been doing it as long as I did  simply not achieve half of what I achieved. They would say to me, “wow you look great but I know I will never be able to get in that kind of shape”. And for them my question is why? There is absolutely nothing special about me and the only thing the sets me apart is my attitude. I have alright genetics but I can get fat and my genes aren’t so great that I can get in some type of shape that no one else can. But it’s my belief in myself that played the biggest part. I knew where my greatness lied and I knew that I was going to get where I wanted to get to physically and like I said, even as I was working out I believed that what I was doing was getting me to that place. So be serious about how you think and what you believe in and if you do really want to make that change then you need to gain the want to do what it take to make that change no matter how hard or uncomfortable it is. You need to WANT to do what it takes and nothing else so if that is not where you stand maybe you should work on that aspect first before you try anything else. First step is to be in the presence of people who are achieving what you want to achieve in that same great manner and stop hanging around people who don’t want the greatness in their lives that you want. People radiate what they are and actions are the best way of expressing one’s self. If a person wants to be a winner and hangs around with nothing but losers then where do you think it will get that person? Also read books that help to expand your horizon. Read books that help you become a stronger and better person. Watch movies that help with that as well, surround yourself with influences that will help you to be a better person and do it often. And spend some time with yourself too. Be in silence and just sit and be with yourself and your thoughts; get to know yourself without any other outside influences so that you will know who you are so that you will know how to get where you want to be. And this doesn’t just work in a physical fit manner ether. If you want to change absolutely anything about yourself in life then you could apply what I just said to that as well. So it is up to you, you can be as fit, beautiful and healthy as you want but you need to know and believe that you can do it. You need to believe in yourself, walk the right path and everything else will fall in place for you. Trust me, it will

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