Monday, August 12, 2013

Believe in yourself and walk that path

“Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard, and there is nothing you cannot accomplish.”
Brad Henry

Pertaining to just about everything one can do in life, if one has a strong belief in themselves and what they do, the thing that is placed as goal to achieve will come a lot smoother and quicker. For me as far as my fitness is concerned I’ve been going to gyms for years on end and I can remember the first time I decided to take my physical fitness seriously and what that felt like. It’s like I had a realization and then I literally saw what I wanted my physical self to be before I even picked up a weight or jumped on a trend mill. But with that before I was able to be a tad bit successful I had to walk the path that was needed to get to the destination that I was trying to get to. I had to change what I ate and I had to make sure I worked out at least 3 to 5 times a week on a daily bases no matter what. There were times when I didn’t want to work out because at times I was in school and I worked; just plain busy so I just plan didn’t feel like doing anything. And there were times where I just wanted to sit there and be greedy and lazy and do things like eat a whole blueberry pie (something that I have done many times in the pass) but I didn’t do it because I knew that it wasn’t the way and it wasn’t the path I was to take. Not doing what is needed and pretending to want to change in a physical manner is like me wanted to go to New York but traveling south to do so when I live In PA. Doesn’t matter what I say I want if I am not walking that path to get to that destination then really how bad do I want it? One needs to develop the want to change no matter how difficult it may be. I don’t believe people should do anything that they don’t want to in life, I mean life is too short to spend one moment doing things that you don’t want to do and I probably am the most liberally personal trainer anyone will ever meet. I condone smoking, drinking, and eating junk food. I condone people doing anything that bring them joy but my big thing is balance with that stuff; but even so if you don’t want to balance and you truly are enjoying what you are doing and everything that comes with it then I say go for it and when I say this it’s like if you aren’t working out and enjoy being 400 pounds as well as being able to sit around, that is what I meant when I say if you enjoy everything that comes with what you are doing. If someone absolutely hates working out and they hate eating what I or anyone with any bit of knowledge on healthy foods consider healthy I am not going to try and convince them that they are wrong in their feelings. I am not here to convert anyone and even if a person eats fried beef sticks dipped in butter every day and they die of a heart attack, if that person enjoyed their life because of that fired butter beef then it was a life worth living point blank. But even so, personal I feel that we were meant to be healthy and healthy is fun and enjoyable. I feel that when we challenge ourselves and we do things that we may not want or feel like at a time, if we take a look at the bigger picture the want will develop and even though what we are doing may not feel good at the moment the moments after which are a lot longer than the moment we would need to spend outside of our comfort zones will feel much better all around. But saying this for whatever one wants they have to travel that path to get to that wanted destination; it would be silly for me to want to go to New York and refuse to travel north. It would be plain stupid of me to want Chinese food but bent on going to an Indian restaurant. So if one really does want a better and healthier quality of life then they should want to eat healthy and they should want to work out in a challenging and rigorous manner point blank.

Belief is also as important as anything else. You have to believe in yourself and what you can do, you have to believe in what you’re doing and you have to believe that it will work. You have to believe that it is working as you do it and that is the point blank truth. As I stated earlier I have been working out in gyms for years and I remember me working out with the image in my head of what I wanted to physically be and with that achieving it. Then I would see people who worked out as much as I did and had been doing it as long as I did  simply not achieve half of what I achieved. They would say to me, “wow you look great but I know I will never be able to get in that kind of shape”. And for them my question is why? There is absolutely nothing special about me and the only thing the sets me apart is my attitude. I have alright genetics but I can get fat and my genes aren’t so great that I can get in some type of shape that no one else can. But it’s my belief in myself that played the biggest part. I knew where my greatness lied and I knew that I was going to get where I wanted to get to physically and like I said, even as I was working out I believed that what I was doing was getting me to that place. So be serious about how you think and what you believe in and if you do really want to make that change then you need to gain the want to do what it take to make that change no matter how hard or uncomfortable it is. You need to WANT to do what it takes and nothing else so if that is not where you stand maybe you should work on that aspect first before you try anything else. First step is to be in the presence of people who are achieving what you want to achieve in that same great manner and stop hanging around people who don’t want the greatness in their lives that you want. People radiate what they are and actions are the best way of expressing one’s self. If a person wants to be a winner and hangs around with nothing but losers then where do you think it will get that person? Also read books that help to expand your horizon. Read books that help you become a stronger and better person. Watch movies that help with that as well, surround yourself with influences that will help you to be a better person and do it often. And spend some time with yourself too. Be in silence and just sit and be with yourself and your thoughts; get to know yourself without any other outside influences so that you will know who you are so that you will know how to get where you want to be. And this doesn’t just work in a physical fit manner ether. If you want to change absolutely anything about yourself in life then you could apply what I just said to that as well. So it is up to you, you can be as fit, beautiful and healthy as you want but you need to know and believe that you can do it. You need to believe in yourself, walk the right path and everything else will fall in place for you. Trust me, it will

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Drugs, food and wellness

The purpose of life is happiness point blank and if getting high makes you happy why shouldn’t you be allowed to do so? I want to wow people with what I am saying because as a personal trainer and a person who is very much into health and wellness one may ask why I would make a statement like I just did. Well, I made the statement and I am serious about it too. I mean why not? Why not have drinks of liquor? I drink from time to time. Why not have a smoke of some herb? Why not simply take a puff from time to time and allow it to take you to a place which you may feel you wouldn’t be able to go without it? I say go for it if it makes you happy because a happy person is a well person and a well person is a healthy person point blank. The person who will live the longest, healthiest and fulfilling life is the person who is the happiest and this FACT is the realist thing I could say and the most insightful as well.

In America and other parts of the world as well I see so much ignorance and I have to be an understanding person and a non-judgmental one when I witness this and it can be hard. I see a system which says certain drugs are illegal to take and then say other drugs will help and heal us and this just seems backwards to me. I see certain drugs made in labs using all types of unnatural chemicals being sold legally while other drugs that straight grow out the earth are being called illegal and bad. I see a country and a world for that matter where we are told to go to a doctor so that he or she can prescribe us a drug to so called help us heal instead of going to an individual whom will tell us that we are able to heal ourselves if we change our lifestyle, thus change how we THINK, what we do and how we eat. Maybe taking up a spiritual path may help as well but that is a personal choice; also why not gain insight by experiencing things outside of our comfort zone and placing ourselves around different types of people from different cultures. Why not try putting sustenance’s in our bodies other than processed garbage which we try and pass of as food on a daily basis? Now I am not going to sit here and promote illegal drugs saying that you should do so and so drug and I think that this so and so drug should be made legal. But I will say if they make one type of drug illegal why not make them all illegal or vise versa? Its more politics in that decision then one thinks so I will not sit here and say that if you take or do a certain drug then it is bad and you are a bad person for doing so as they do.

Cancer runs rampant in our society and we tend to wonder why. With all of the stuff we put in our bodies it’s no wonder that we have this issue with a disease like cancer. Soda and sugary juices are given to our children on a regular basis and most beers have more nutrients and a better health value than the sodas and juices and we wonder why our kids are so darn fat and unhealthy. The foods we eat these days doesn’t even look like food, they tend to look like a thing one could use a toy or something. A lot of these foods are genetically and chemically modified so that they will have an addictive aspect to them and this is what we eat on a daily basis and we think that these foods are so good but then they make us feel bad and become obese and disease filled later. We need to become more aware of what we are doing and be mindful of what we put in our bodies if we want to really achieve that happiness and wellness that all of us do want on some basis whether we admit it or not.

Balance is the key and when I say if one wants to go smoke something or drink something that one should I am not saying that they should do it all of the time every hour, every day and in every way but what is wrong with enjoying what the earth offers in life in a balanced manner? I personally don’t smoke anything and probably never will but I am not against someone smoking as long as they know how to balance the act in a way that it doesn’t affect their health in a negative way. I am not a doctor but I know for a fact that with the right types of foods and a good workout program we can help our healing process without the drugs that doctors offer us. There may be some drugs that helps us heal but if a doctor just tells you to take a drug and not even tell you to change anything about your lifestyle besides add a drug to it that they have prescribed go the other way and don’t look back.

Within my life there was a time I didn’t drink at all, I didn’t eat meat, I didn’t watch certain types of movies or listen to certain types of music and I didn’t place myself around certain types of people. I worked out every day sometimes all day and just came home and maybe went to work. I worked out two to three times a day and this is how I lived. But even with that even though I did gain plenty within those times so I don’t regret it I have to say that when I started to eat meat again, I started to drink now and then, started to watch all types of movies and listen to all types of music, doing more than just working out and made a decision that I wasn’t going to place labels on my lifestyle or block anything that is to be experienced out I found a happiness that I didn’t have before. So yes I do eat junk, drink and I enjoy just going out and having fun but on the other hand I still work out a lot and I work out hard, my diet consist of mostly plant based super foods first and lean meats second and with that I can honestly tell you I am stronger, wiser and happier than that closed in vegetarian that I was. I will literally run circles around the guy I was in every way; I am in better shape than I was then and I am a lot wiser and am able to make better decisions in life in every aspect. It is a balancing act that I live by now, I am conscious of what I put in my body so I don’t abuse things and I by choice do not smoke because of personal reasons but as I said before, if one can figure out a way to balance smoking a drug whether it be illegal or legal in a way in which it doesn’t place harm to one’s health I say go for it.

Now there are too many ways to be healthy for anyone to be unhealthy in any way. There are too many natural ways to be well and there are too many ways to gain fitness on one level or another for anyone to be suffering from issues that are avoidable. There are natural supplements that we can use some of which I endorse completely and there are things out there like juicers and blenders that we can use to get our fruits and vegetables in us if we don’t enjoy eating them. We just have to be aware and educated. We have to look at ourselves and say that yes we deserve to be happy in every way and not deprive ourselves of anything but not over indulge ether because that in itself won’t give us the happiness that we may be trying to gain from it. Ultimately happiness is found within but that can be helped out by simply looking at life in a positive and aware manner, balancing a healthy and well lifestyle and simply enjoying this very day.


So let food and positive, loving thoughts be thy medicine and positive, loving thoughts be thy foods a long with the foods that the EARTH provides us, not some lab or some mad scientist and I promise your life will get a lot brighter in every aspect of the way. You may even feel as if you are glowing when healthy and if this is the case you probably will.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Obesity, Positivity and Happiness!

“More die in the United States of too much food than of too little”
― John Kenneth Galbraith

In a world with so many struggles and issues steaming from terrorist attracts at public events to children being killed in schools one would think that the one thing some of us may truly believe we can control within this melee filled world like our health would be something that just wouldn’t be such a pressing issue in this country. But is it really the murderers or extreme activities for a dark and heinous causes that are the true cuprite’s in early, untimely and violent type deaths or is it something else totally different?

“According to the surgeon general, obesity today is officially an epidemic; it is arguably the most pressing public health problem we face, costing the health care system an estimated $90 billion a year. Three of every five Americans are overweight; one of every five is obese. The disease formerly known as adult-onset diabetes has had to be renamed Type II diabetes since it now occurs so frequently in children. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association predicts that a child born in 2000 has a one-in-three chance of developing diabetes. (An African American child's chances are two in five.) Because of diabetes and all the other health problems that accompany obesity, today's children may turn out to be the first generation of Americans whose life expectancy will actually be shorter than that of their parents. The problem is not limited to America: The United Nations reported that in 2000 the number of people suffering from overnutrition--a billion--had officially surpassed the number suffering from malnutrition--800 million.”
― Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals

Priorities are set in a way which people of this country are run by trying to make the next dollar and trying to make ends meet and simply because of it they get caught up in a rush. But why is this and why does this occur? Is it because they are looking for something which just may be closer to them then they realize? If I was to lose my keys in the house and the house was dark would I search for my keys in the dark house or outside where the light is? I mean it seems as if it would be easier to see outside so why go searching for them in a dark house when you could go outside where the light is and see where you are looking? There is something that we were born with and that is located inside of us and that something is called happiness but we look for it in the wrong places and as we do this we neglect what is really important like our health and wellness.

Obesity and being overweight are both sort of disorders so to speak, they are diseases and kills more people than cigarettes or alcohol but people consider those two things the demons as they stuff their faces with all types of processed, high fat and sugary foods and drinks on a daily bases. So as you read this post think to yourself and try to feel who and what you really are. Who and what we are starts on the inside but is expressed on the out and greatness and wellness is located within everyone that reads this post point blank. So ask yourself, is that greatness that I speak of being portrayed on your physical selves as well? We are made of energy so we shouldn’t feel sluggish and heavy, energy is light and radiate but we need to fuel ourselves with energy as well as in foods like living, leafy green substance and cleanse ourselves with the one thing that takes up 70 percent of the world which is water. And are we rocks which are made to just sit there and do nothing physical or do we have physical bodies which are made to do physical things?

Happiness is what everyone wants in life but if we really want to be happy can we keep going the way we are? Is this really working or is change really needed? Nature has supplied what we need and we have within us that happiness which we are looking for. We won’t find it in jobs that we don’t like or relationships that are toxic to us. That happiness was within us when we were born and so was the wellness and health that so many of us have taken for granted. I’ve known of people who won’t put cheap gas in their cars but have no problem putting all types of junk in their bodies on a daily bases. I know of people who spend so much time and money on their clothes, hair, makeup and jewelry but haven’t had a good sweat or put anything green and live in their bodies in ages. It’s one thing to think positive and I am very big on positive thinking but if you aren’t actually living in a positive manner what is the point?

So as we go about our days I believe we need to straighten our priorities in life. We need to go for and live our dreams, do what we tell our children to do on a daily bases but this dream living is going to be pretty hard if all we consume is nightmarish foods and drinks and I’m not saying one can’t enough a piece of cake or a drink of liquor ever ether, but balance is the key to healthy living and we need to start this balancing act now and there are so many ways to do this too, we are too advanced of a people living in an age where advancements occur quicker than a turn of your head to be in the situation that we are in as far as our health. So as I said, happiness is the key to life and if one is happy being obese and they can pay for all of the doctor bills that living that way will give I say go for it. I’m not in to converting anyone to anything that doesn’t resonate with them. But if you want to really do this life like I believe we were meant to and you want to clean up and become the best that you can be I believe that a good balance in life and health is necessary. The numbers and stats that I shared earlier in this post are staggering and need to change in a big way. So let’s start now, let’s look within and align what is located inside of us on what we are on the outside so then we within ourselves will become one with what we were meant to be.

Let’s get it going and let’s start now! Here are a few recipes for some green drinks if you want more healthy sustenance within you, you will feel more energetic and positivity will come more natural with these super foods inside of you. I am talking from experience because a green drink is how I start my day every day. All you need is a good blender or a juicer and the rest is pretty easy. It’s just a drink away after that!

"This is the official recipe used by Joe Cross and Phil Staples according to the Reboot Program.
Mean Green Juice# 1
6 Kale Leaves
1 Cucumber
4 Celery Stalks
2 Green Apples
1/2 Lemon
1 piece of ginger

Mean Green Juice #2
handful spinach
3 stalks of kale
2 golden delicious apples
small handful parsley
1 lemon
1 cucumber

Mean Green Juice #3
2 stalks celery
1/2 cucumber
1/2 apple
1/2 lemon
small piece ginger
1/2 green chard leaf
bunch cilantro
5 kale leaves
handful spinach”

If you are in need of some good, natural supplements then check out this website and if questions arise don’t hesitate to ask.

There are plenty of exercise programs out there, ones that you could do in a 15 minute time span to an hour. There are also plenty of walks and runs going on all around the country that raise money for good causes and also can help us get to that place that we were meant to be so do the research and gain something worthwhile that will help on this quest to health and happiness. I truly believe change is needed in mass amounts but if it is to be then we are the ones who need to make that change so. The moment we decide to take a different and better route in life is the moment life will improve and always remember, balance not deprivation is the key!