Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Drugs, food and wellness

The purpose of life is happiness point blank and if getting high makes you happy why shouldn’t you be allowed to do so? I want to wow people with what I am saying because as a personal trainer and a person who is very much into health and wellness one may ask why I would make a statement like I just did. Well, I made the statement and I am serious about it too. I mean why not? Why not have drinks of liquor? I drink from time to time. Why not have a smoke of some herb? Why not simply take a puff from time to time and allow it to take you to a place which you may feel you wouldn’t be able to go without it? I say go for it if it makes you happy because a happy person is a well person and a well person is a healthy person point blank. The person who will live the longest, healthiest and fulfilling life is the person who is the happiest and this FACT is the realist thing I could say and the most insightful as well.

In America and other parts of the world as well I see so much ignorance and I have to be an understanding person and a non-judgmental one when I witness this and it can be hard. I see a system which says certain drugs are illegal to take and then say other drugs will help and heal us and this just seems backwards to me. I see certain drugs made in labs using all types of unnatural chemicals being sold legally while other drugs that straight grow out the earth are being called illegal and bad. I see a country and a world for that matter where we are told to go to a doctor so that he or she can prescribe us a drug to so called help us heal instead of going to an individual whom will tell us that we are able to heal ourselves if we change our lifestyle, thus change how we THINK, what we do and how we eat. Maybe taking up a spiritual path may help as well but that is a personal choice; also why not gain insight by experiencing things outside of our comfort zone and placing ourselves around different types of people from different cultures. Why not try putting sustenance’s in our bodies other than processed garbage which we try and pass of as food on a daily basis? Now I am not going to sit here and promote illegal drugs saying that you should do so and so drug and I think that this so and so drug should be made legal. But I will say if they make one type of drug illegal why not make them all illegal or vise versa? Its more politics in that decision then one thinks so I will not sit here and say that if you take or do a certain drug then it is bad and you are a bad person for doing so as they do.

Cancer runs rampant in our society and we tend to wonder why. With all of the stuff we put in our bodies it’s no wonder that we have this issue with a disease like cancer. Soda and sugary juices are given to our children on a regular basis and most beers have more nutrients and a better health value than the sodas and juices and we wonder why our kids are so darn fat and unhealthy. The foods we eat these days doesn’t even look like food, they tend to look like a thing one could use a toy or something. A lot of these foods are genetically and chemically modified so that they will have an addictive aspect to them and this is what we eat on a daily basis and we think that these foods are so good but then they make us feel bad and become obese and disease filled later. We need to become more aware of what we are doing and be mindful of what we put in our bodies if we want to really achieve that happiness and wellness that all of us do want on some basis whether we admit it or not.

Balance is the key and when I say if one wants to go smoke something or drink something that one should I am not saying that they should do it all of the time every hour, every day and in every way but what is wrong with enjoying what the earth offers in life in a balanced manner? I personally don’t smoke anything and probably never will but I am not against someone smoking as long as they know how to balance the act in a way that it doesn’t affect their health in a negative way. I am not a doctor but I know for a fact that with the right types of foods and a good workout program we can help our healing process without the drugs that doctors offer us. There may be some drugs that helps us heal but if a doctor just tells you to take a drug and not even tell you to change anything about your lifestyle besides add a drug to it that they have prescribed go the other way and don’t look back.

Within my life there was a time I didn’t drink at all, I didn’t eat meat, I didn’t watch certain types of movies or listen to certain types of music and I didn’t place myself around certain types of people. I worked out every day sometimes all day and just came home and maybe went to work. I worked out two to three times a day and this is how I lived. But even with that even though I did gain plenty within those times so I don’t regret it I have to say that when I started to eat meat again, I started to drink now and then, started to watch all types of movies and listen to all types of music, doing more than just working out and made a decision that I wasn’t going to place labels on my lifestyle or block anything that is to be experienced out I found a happiness that I didn’t have before. So yes I do eat junk, drink and I enjoy just going out and having fun but on the other hand I still work out a lot and I work out hard, my diet consist of mostly plant based super foods first and lean meats second and with that I can honestly tell you I am stronger, wiser and happier than that closed in vegetarian that I was. I will literally run circles around the guy I was in every way; I am in better shape than I was then and I am a lot wiser and am able to make better decisions in life in every aspect. It is a balancing act that I live by now, I am conscious of what I put in my body so I don’t abuse things and I by choice do not smoke because of personal reasons but as I said before, if one can figure out a way to balance smoking a drug whether it be illegal or legal in a way in which it doesn’t place harm to one’s health I say go for it.

Now there are too many ways to be healthy for anyone to be unhealthy in any way. There are too many natural ways to be well and there are too many ways to gain fitness on one level or another for anyone to be suffering from issues that are avoidable. There are natural supplements that we can use some of which I endorse completely and there are things out there like juicers and blenders that we can use to get our fruits and vegetables in us if we don’t enjoy eating them. We just have to be aware and educated. We have to look at ourselves and say that yes we deserve to be happy in every way and not deprive ourselves of anything but not over indulge ether because that in itself won’t give us the happiness that we may be trying to gain from it. Ultimately happiness is found within but that can be helped out by simply looking at life in a positive and aware manner, balancing a healthy and well lifestyle and simply enjoying this very day.


So let food and positive, loving thoughts be thy medicine and positive, loving thoughts be thy foods a long with the foods that the EARTH provides us, not some lab or some mad scientist and I promise your life will get a lot brighter in every aspect of the way. You may even feel as if you are glowing when healthy and if this is the case you probably will.